Featured Articles

Another Exciting Week Ahead

Tim McPartland | January 12, 2015
It is likely that we will have another highly exciting week this week--maybe not up to last weeks excitement, but one with potential for big moves.Tonight we kick off the earnings season with Alcoa announcing then the avalanche of releases comes daily for the next few weeks.  We don't believe that anything of real consequence will be learned from these…

Great Jobs Report – Market Tanks

Tim McPartland | January 9, 2015
Todays jobs report was slightly better than expected and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.6% (assuming you believe all of the government numbers)--normally great news--but not today I guess.  While normally reports that are as positive as today would move interest rates upward in this case they nor only haven't moved upward, but are dropping while stocks crater once again.…

Drill Down on Artesian Resources Corp

Tim McPartland | January 8, 2015
We briefly touched on Artesian Resources Corp (ticker:ARTNA) yesterday and wanted to revisit it with a bit more 'meat on the bone'.When you think about regulated utility companies in North America you likely think of the local electric company or natural gas company--the ones we write checks to year around, but as investors we need to cast the net a bit…

Don’t Forget – Trust Preferred Shares Still Exist

Tim McPartland | January 8, 2015
As we were doing work on the site trying to get our quotes fixed on the debt pages we noticed 'Trust Preferreds'.  This is a segment that we continually forget about, but it is certainly an area where the income investor may have some interest.Remember that Trust Preferreds are preferred stocks of trusts that are formed by the issuer to purchase their…

On-going Issues with Quotes

Tim McPartland | January 7, 2015
As Andy from Wisconsin reminded us there continues to be issues with quotes on some pages--most normally affecting exchange traded debt issues. As some of you who have been reading our site for years will recall this issue pops up about once a year for a few days to a few weeks. This of course affects the exchange traded debt…
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