Featured Articles

Container Ship Owner Costamare Inc. Files for MLP IPO

Tim McPartland | October 2, 2014
Following so many other companies Costamare Inc., an owner of a fleet of container ships (68 in total), has filed an F-1 (same as a S-1, but for foreign companies) to spin off a MLP some time in the not distant future.The new MLP, Costamare Partners LP (ticker to be CMRP) will be formed with a fleet of 4 container…

Stocks Tumble and Interest Rates Follow

Tim McPartland | October 1, 2014
Unfortunately our feelings of 'doom' yesterday were well founded - BUT that 'feeling' is over and we have become rational thinkers again.  Our 'repositioning' of the portfolio's to shorten durations and unload certain MLP's and common stocks has served us well again.  Our model was off just 10 basis points today--our personal accounts did the same or a bit better.  We have…

Again, Time to Worry a Bit

Tim McPartland | September 30, 2014
Back on September 11th we wrote 'Now is a Good Time to Worry a Bit' - little did we know that we would feel more negative now then we did at that time.September has been a tough month for income investors.  Even though interest rates are up just a bit in the last 30 days many sectors of the income…

This Must be MLP Heaven for Some

Tim McPartland | September 29, 2014
For folks that like to buy Master Limited Partnerships it must be like heaven this year.  It is a continuous stream of issues from the energy arena.While we are not big fans of the energy MLP's we would buy some at the IPO price if we had access--but seldom do we have first pop at them.  Our purchases would not…
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