Featured Articles

And the Energy Poundings Continue – UPDATED

Tim McPartland | December 8, 2014
December 8, 2014  1:30 pmThe preferred stocks of energy companies continue to get splattered all over the wall today--all of them.  This is likely an over-reaction, but we shall see in the month ahead.There are 2 energy preferreds that we like (not love--who can love something that has fallen 50%)--and we can't find any real reason to not buy them…

Checking Out Miller Energy Resources

Tim McPartland | December 7, 2014
Continuing to look over some of the independent oil and gas companies we are now looking at Miller Energy Resources (ticker:MILL).  MILL has 2 cumulative preferreds outstanding at the current time. (NOTE THAT MILLER WILL RELEASE EARNINGS ON 12/10/2014 SO MOST RECENT DATA WILL BE AVAILABLE THEN--THE DATA BELOW IS BASED ON INFO FROM THE QUARTER ENDING 7/31/2014).MILL's common stock…

HOT Jobs Number Barely Moves Interest Rates

Tim McPartland | December 6, 2014
We thought yesterdays jobs number would help us discern whether interest rates were ready to head higher or not---and apparently the time has not yet arrived for those spiking rates.With the massive number of jobs created, coupled with a reasonably big jump in personal income, there was not a doubt in our mind that rates would jump. The real question…

Employment Comes in Very Hot!!

Tim McPartland | December 5, 2014
Employment numbers for November came in very hot with over 300,000 jobs created--additionally there were sizable upward adjustments in last months numbers.This number has been mostly ignored by the interest rate complex in the last 6 months--sometimes taking small bumps up after announcement and then drifting back down.Key for today (and the year ahead) is do interest rates move up…

Sold Another Perpetual Preferred

Tim McPartland | December 4, 2014
Today we have gone ahead and sold another perpetual preferred.  We unloaded Glimcher Realty 7.5% cumulative preferred (GRT-H).  The reason we sold this issue is because it is trading at $26.25 and yielding just 7.14%.  As we move through the process of lowering perpetual preferreds as a percentage of the model we are not being scientific--just selling those with current…
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